Friday, October 9, 2009

The Greatest Defense – Tough Interview Questions

Worrying going into a job interview about your weaknesses being exposed, or what can be seen as flaws from your previous work history, won’t get you anywhere. The true is, focusing on your flaws often is displayed through the way you answer job interview questions, and even in the way you present your body language. Candidates who move a lot, plays with things like their pen, or loses their train of thought during a discussion, hurt their changes even more of getting the job.

Okay, so you may have some flaws. Perhaps there was a time three years ago, that you didn’t have a job and were out of work for several months. Or the potential employer requires a certain competency level that you have not reached yet. Taking all of those things into consideration, you are still a candidate for the open position.

There is an easy, two component solution: First, make the best out of you weakest flaw and next make the employer’s goals, your own.

Learn as much as you can about your weaknesses in your resume and build on them. If you were unemployed for a period of time, reflect about your experiences you had throughout that time period, the companies you visited, and what you took from the present economy and job market. Demonstrate that you pay attention to detail, and like learning from unpredicted opportunities.

Demonstrate your eagerness for having the opportunity to enhance your current skills. Apply the same tactic to any other flaws that you may have. Even if you left a job because of a character conflict, it can be seen as a positive if you can highlight what you took from the experience. No matter what the case may have been, you must stay positive and leave any negativity at the door. Interviewers want people that are positive and have the passion to move forward and grow with them.

Now onto the second solution, showcasing yourself in a way that makes you well-matched with the potential employer’s requirements, and emphasizes the benefit they receive by hiring you.

Learn about the employer’s business and the division in which you are applying for. Make sure you ask why they are hiring someone in the first place (Did someone quit, Are they growing? Did someone retire?) then highlight the competencies and experiences that make you not only qualified for the position, but of bringing innovated concepts and a positive outlook to it.

Make sure you have a positive point to every negative point in your resume or employment history. Next showcase your personality and competencies with an emphasis on each of the company’s objectives. The combination of your skills and eagerness is frequently the key for a winning interview.


If you want to provide the best job interview answers for interview questions and get the job you deserve, then the Superstar Interview Guide is your best bet! You can find the Superstar Interview Guide at

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